For brevity we label the kind of large systems we work on as macrosystems, defined as follows:- A macro
system is defined as the set of all those organizations and individuals that strongly interact to accomplish a specified public purpose.
A macrosystem, like all systems, has two types of components:
- system elements, the set of all organizations and individuals in the system.
- system elements, the set of all relevant interactions between the elements that lead to the performance of the system against the desired societal goals for that system.
As one example: the health care system is comprised of patients, providers, insurers, group purchasers such as employers and public programs like Medicare, medical suppliers, medical training and research institutions, etc. All these elements strongly interact in a great variety of ways for the societally desired purpose of improving the health of the population under care with appropriate health services. Some of these interactions are formally specified and explicit, as in public law and private contract, others are tacit and unspoken but understood and followed by the interacting parties; all of them together comprise the system structure of the health care system. The public education system, the criminal justice system, national defense, financial system indeed most macrosystems, can be similarly parsed with these concepts and terms.
The structure of a macrosystem produces two types of effects on the organizations and individuals with it:
- It sets the range of allowed behavior of the organizations and individuals within it.
- It generates incentives, often quite powerful, on these organizations and individuals, which determine within the allowed range, the kind of behavior they must engage in to survive and prosper. Acting counter to strong system incentives will usually imperil or kill an organization.
Note that all organizations have their own internal elements and structure. Thus we must distinguish two levels: the organization level and the macrosystem level. At the organization level are the structure and incentives internal to the various organizations within the macrosystem; organizations control their own internal structure and incentives. At the macrosystem level are the structure and incentives external to the organizations and individuals: these operate on the organizations and individuals from the outside. An organization cannot alter the macrosystem’s structure and incentives by itself; these can only be altered by various forms of collective action, such as collaboration among many organizations, or public policy, etc.
These definitions are for applied political economy, and have both diagnostic and design applications for policy. They are distinct from Forrester’s System Dynamics used in systems engineering, but they are complimentary.